Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Mythica Movie Series Review

Mythica: The Quest for Heroes

Mythica: The Darkspore

Mythica: The Nacromancer

Mythica: The Iron Crown

Mythica: The Godslayer

starring Melanie Stone

A series of 5 movies about a slave girl who wants to be a sorcerer who manages to get away and become the leader of a ragtag group who have to save the world from an evil necromancer.

They are typical sword and sorcery films.  There are ogres and orks, dragons and elves.  There is magic galore and swordfights aplenty.  There are a lot of common themes: the underdog overcoming, unlikely people becoming heroes, rogues that turn out to have hearts of gold,.  Some have become rather corny over time but they are still used because they are still fun.  The acting is pretty good.  And although the iron crown looks like a piece of form painted silver, the effects, props and make-up and all pretty good as well.  The plot goes through all five movies and is one story so it is best if you watch them all in order or there will be holes in the story.  The plot itself is good enough, good versus evil while our heroes learn about themselves and each other.  It has all been done before but there were enough interesting moments so the story didn't feel old.  I just wish there were not so many times when the advancement of the plot relied on the heroes being so stupid.  There were a lot of times when I found myself angry at the characters because they did something that everyone in the audience knew was the wrong thing to do.  But if you have any interest in the genre then they are a lot of fun to watch.

(At the time I posted this, all five movies are streaming on Amazon Prime.)

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