Friday, June 28, 2024

Where's me pot of gold?

 The Golden One by W.T. Kosmos

The Lumberjack Leprechauns have been felling trees for years, looking for a pot of gold.  But when the first democratic election results in deforestation regulations the Leprechauns hold a costume contest to find the next golden leader and get back to cutting trees.

This is a one act play.  It is goofy nonsense with a message.  It is nice and short which in this case is a good thing.  I think if it had been any longer, I would have lost interest.  It is funny and silly, but it does make you think.  I don't think this is going to change the world, but it might make some people think about who they are following and why.  And maybe plant a couple of trees.  If you are a fan of satire (or just like leprechauns) you should give it a try.

I got a free copy of this book for Early Reviews.

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