Friday, February 18, 2022

The Friday 56




* Grab a book, any book.

* Go to page 56.  Or 56% on your ereader. 

* Find a snippet, short and sweet.

* Post it and add the url to your post at Freda's Voice

This week my book is It's Not My Fault: A Pangolin's Manifesto by Rachel Shaw.  It was a theory that pangolins passed COVID from bats to humans.  This pangolin wants you to know that it is not true.  I will post a review tomorrow on World Pangolin Day.  

My Friday 56:

If you don't have bubbles, try mud.  Pangolins don't need an expensive spa day - a roll in mud cools them down and helps remove parasites.

It's a cute book that is a good introduction to pangolins if you want to learn about them.


Literary Feline said...

It's Not My Fault does sound cute! Mud baths are definitely undervalued. THank you for sharing, Becca. I hope you have a great weekend.

Emma at Words And Peace / France Book Tours said...

This sounds really good, thanks for sharing.
Mine is in French this time:
I have free copies and also a giveaway, so if you read French or have friends who do, please pass the information along. Have a great week-end

fredamans said...

I'm with the Pangolians!! :-) Happy wekeend!

Lauren Stoolfire said...

Pangolins! :)

Lyn said...

Never heard of pangolins! Now I know. Thanks for sharing. My first first line Friday is up.