Saturday, March 3, 2012

His Girl Friday Review

With Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell

A newspaper reporter tries to win back his co-worker ex-wife before she remarries all while both are trying to get a story about an escaped prisoner and his plight.

I think this is supposed to be a romantic comedy but unfortunately there didn’t seem to be much of either.  There didn’t seem to be any warm feelings between Grant and Russell and they weren’t a couple you were rooting for.  You do feel sorry for Bellamy’s character, Russell’s fiancĂ©, because he got involved with either of these rather unlikeable characters.  The slow nature of Bellamy’s character emphasizes the difference between what Russell is leaving behind and what she has in front of her but what I liked best about it was that it provided a break from the frantic pace and high volume of the rest of the movie.  There were a couple of funny lines but I think most of the comedy is supposed to come from the scenes where everyone is talking at once.  And instead of being funny it just becomes annoying as you can’t tell what anyone is saying and everyone just gets louder until my head started to hurt.  In my opinion this is not one of the better Cary Grant movies.

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