Thursday, November 5, 2009

Mini Reviews

These two books have nothing in common so don't bother trying to figure out what the connection is. They just didn't seem like a whole post all by themselves so I put them together.

The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry

Towner Whitney comes back home when her aunt disappears. She is a lace reader, someone who can see the future in a piece of lace. She is also kind of physic. I like how that is said like it is normal. Like we should have expected it, or maybe even known it already. She also has a bunch of holes in her memory. And although she came home to find out what happened to her aunt she ends up learning more about herself and filling in some of those holes. I did figure out what was going on before I was told and someone who actively tries to figure out the mystery in a book would probably have figured it out before I did but that did not lessen the impact on Towner so I was not sorry I wasn’t surprised. At times I almost thought that there was too much going on and we had to shift our focus off of Towner and her past a lot so I wasn’t really sure where the author was putting the emphasis but it wasn’t hard to follow so I didn’t mind too much.

The Shack by William P. Young

It was interesting. I think Young raises some interesting points and explains some things well but there were a couple of times when some of the ideas struck me as just strange (yes, stranger than meeting God in a shack). It will make you think so I think it's worth reading but at the beginning I was a little bored with the story (it did pick up though) and the dialog sometimes sounded staged, they just didn't talk like anyone I've ever met would talk. It's a quick read and though I had no interest in reading it when I first heard about it and I don't know that it has changed my life I'm glad I gave it a shot.

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