Friday, June 19, 2009

The Friday 56, Savvy

Well, I'm getting better anyway. I may have missed last week but at least it has been less than a month since I last managed to remember The Friday 56. Hosted, as always, by Storytime with Tonya and Friends.

The Rules:
* Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
* Turn to page 56.
* Find the fifth sentence.
* Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like) along with these instructions on your blog or (if you do not have your own blog) in the comments section of Storytime with Tonya and Friends.
* Post a link along with your post back to Storytime with Tonya and Friends.
* Don't dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.

My sentence(s) comes from Savvy by Ingrid Law.

"That is for an adult to decide, young man," Miss Rosemary insisted, trying to pry Fish's fingers from the telephone. But distracted by the flying papers and the unexplained wind lashing through the room, she had no real chance at getting the phone away from Fish.


Suzanne said...

Is Fish a person?

Becca said...

Fish is, indeed, a person. A young boy who has a lot to do with the unexplained wind. But that's all I'm saying. You won't get anymore out of me.