Send in the Tort Lawyers by T.C. Morrison
Where do you go when you find out your Belgian chocolates were not made in Belgium? Or, despite what the adds say, the milk your ice cream is made from is not from happy cows? You go to Pap and Pup, of course. Twin brothers and the lawyers who will get you what you deserve. As long as they think they can come up with a winning class action lawsuit that is.
Send in the Tort Lawyers is a farce that does not try to be subtle. It can feel like you are being beat over the head with the puns sometimes. But I did enjoy reading it. It kept me amused and entertained throughout the entire novel. There were people with names like Faith Heeler and Holly Woods and law firms with names like Fine and Dandy, but if that does not put you off then this is a book for you. I can't really say there was a plot exactly, just an account of several of the cases that the law firm was handling (and some of the courtroom transcripts went on a little long for me) but I feel the book came to a satisfying ending. Enough so that I am interested in reading the others in the series.