Friday, June 28, 2024

Where's me pot of gold?

 The Golden One by W.T. Kosmos

The Lumberjack Leprechauns have been felling trees for years, looking for a pot of gold.  But when the first democratic election results in deforestation regulations the Leprechauns hold a costume contest to find the next golden leader and get back to cutting trees.

This is a one act play.  It is goofy nonsense with a message.  It is nice and short which in this case is a good thing.  I think if it had been any longer, I would have lost interest.  It is funny and silly, but it does make you think.  I don't think this is going to change the world, but it might make some people think about who they are following and why.  And maybe plant a couple of trees.  If you are a fan of satire (or just like leprechauns) you should give it a try.

I got a free copy of this book for Early Reviews.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Beware the Beast

 In The Lair of Legends by David Buzan

Jolon Winterhawk is a Native American in the US Cavalry during the Civil War.  Every day is a struggle, as he tries to honor dual allegiances, to the Cavalry and his tribe.  Things get even harder when he is the only survivor when someone tries to steal a gold shipment he was transporting.  As he tries to get himself and the gold out of the wilderness, he comes face to face with a horrifying monster straight out of legend.


This book is nonstop action.  Right from the start there are explosions, gun fights, and escapes, some of them improbable but all of it exciting.  I like the idea of seeing Winterhawk's struggle between his two loyalties and with the prejudice against him.  Winterhawk is a very interesting character.  There are a few things here that I was not a fan of, however.  Buzan has a lot of sentences end in the middle, I understand the point, but I don't like it myself.  There is also a lot of technical gun information that seems excessive.  But the thing that I found most disappointing was the monster part of the story.  That was actually what attracted me to the book in the first place, but it felt out of place here. Whenever he shows up it feels it is outside of the rest of the story and has nothing to do with anything else.  I feel it would have been a better story without it.

I got a free copy of this book from, Early Reviewers.