Sunday, September 25, 2022

Ever Wish You Were a Warlock?


Dylan Dover: Into the Vortex by Lynne Howard

Dylan was a typical bullied teenager until one day he falls into a vortex that takes him to a whole new world.  He not only finds out that he is a warlock but that he has siblings that he never knew about.  Now with the help of his newly found brother and a wizard friend they have to solve the mysteries that surround his and his siblings birth and the prophecy that might foretell the dangers to two worlds.

Dylan is an ordinary boy.  Or so he thinks.  Then one day he finds out he is extraordinary.  It is not the most original of story starting points.  But the idea of an immortal world on the other side of a vortex is new and interesting enough to give the concept a new spin.  Dylan is a likeable enough hero that you root for him right from the start even when he is still in the human world.  And I'm glad that both Dylan and his birth parents worry about Dylan's poor adoptive parents who just lost a child.  But I think everyone is just a little too accepting of this situation.  This son that they were told didn't survive birth shows up and the parents just accept 'I don't know what happened' as an answer from the doctor who delivered them.  Dylan and his brother just settle into family life together like everything isn't extremely odd.  But the bad guy is appropriately sinister and creepy, and his minions are interesting characters because you can't really figure out whose side they are on.  And the mystery of the prophecy and what it means and how it relates to Dylan is enough of a draw that it keeps you reading.  It is a fun story and it leaves you wondering what will happen next.

I got a free copy of this book from, Early Reviewers.

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