Steph Su Reads is giving away 2 copies of
Cirque du Freak Book Set (3 titles in one book) by Darren
Shan. It collects the first 3 books in the series in one book. The winners will also get a Cirque
du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant Locker Mirror. Vote for your
favorite T-shirt slogan to enter.
For extra entries:
+1 if you follow
Steph Su or begin to follow
+1 for each place you link this giveaway to (Twitter, blog, sidebar, etc) up to 5 links
+1 if you state from where you found out about this giveaway (can be from your Reader, other
blogger's site, etc.)
+1 for each person who lists you as their referrer
Don't forget to leave your email address!
The giveaway ends October 15
th. It is open to US addresses only and you must be at least 13 to enter.
The Book Muncher is also giving away
Cirque du Freak Book Set (3 titles in one book) by Darren
Fill out the form to enter. Extra entries for following, for linking to the contest, and for voting for your favorite T-shirt slogan.
The giveaway ends October 15
th. It is open to US addresses only and you must be at least 13 to enter.
Frenetic Reader is giving away 2 copies of
Cirque du Freak Book Set (3 titles in one book) by Darren
Shan too. To enter share what upcoming movie you are looking forward to seeing, or what "attraction" in a freak show would freak you out the most, or something about your day or something else. Also vote for your favorite t-shirt slogan. An extra entry for posting about the contest somewhere and leaving a link.
Ends October 15
th. Open to the US only.
The Story Siren also has two copies of
Cirque du Freak Book Set (3 titles in one book) by Darren
Shan to give away.
Leave a comment to enter.
Extra entries:
+5 entries for making a post on your blog about the contest
+3 entries for posting about the contest in your sidebar
+5 entries for voting for your favorite Cirque
du Freak t-shirt
The giveaway ends October 22
nd. It is open to US addresses only and you must be at least 13 to enter.
There is another chance to win
Cirque du Freak Book Set (3 titles in one book) by Darren
Shan at
YA Book Realm who also has two copies.
Comment with your email address to enter and remember to vote for your favorite t-shirt slogan. Each place you link to the contest will get you another entry.
Ends October 23rd.